add search

This commit is contained in:
Valentin CZERYBA 2024-10-23 21:44:33 +02:00
parent 2bbb3a0a95
commit 436e6d68dd

View File

@ -46,6 +46,25 @@ async def read_events(authorize: Annotated[bool, Depends(permissions_checker.Per
return listEvents
@router.get("/events/search", tags=["events"], response_model=list[events.EventOut])
async def search_events(authorize: Annotated[bool, Depends(permissions_checker.PermissionChecker(roles=["Admin", "User"]))], skip: int = 0, limit: int = 20, item: str | None = None, status: int | None = None):
if limit < 1 or skip < 0 or limit < skip:
raise HTTPException(
detail="skip should be greater than 0 and limit should be greater than 1. Limit should be greater than skip"
limit = limit + skip
listEvents = []
event_repository = events.EventRepository(database=database.database)
object_search = {}
if item is not None:
object_search = {"$or":[{"name":{"$regex": item}}, {"tags":{"$regex":item}},{"organizers":{"$regex": item}}]}
for event_index in event_repository.find_by(object_search, limit=limit, skip=skip):
event = events.EventOut(, tags=event_index.tags, imgUrl=event_index.imgUrl,, description=event_index.description,, zip_code=event_index.zip_code,,, status=event_index.status, start_date=event_index.start_date, end_date=event_index.end_date)
return listEvents
async def read_users_me(current_user: Annotated[users.User, Depends(users_token.get_current_active_user)], authorize: Annotated[bool, Depends(permissions_checker.PermissionChecker(roles=["Admin", "User"]))]):
event_repository = events.EventRepository(database=database.database)