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#### _ _ _ _
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## | | | |/ _` | | | | | '_ \ / _` / __|/ _ \
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## The liquibase.properties file stores properties which do not change often,
## such as database connection information. Properties stored here save time
## and reduce risk of mistyped command line arguments.
## Learn more: https://docs.liquibase.com/concepts/connections/creating-config-properties.html
## Note about relative and absolute paths:
## The liquibase.properties file requires paths for some properties.
## The classpath is the path/to/resources (ex. src/main/resources).
## The changeLogFile path is relative to the classpath.
## The url H2 example below is relative to 'pwd' resource.
# Enter the path for your changelog file.
#### Enter the Target database 'url' information ####
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2022-09-21 23:36:06 +02:00
# Enter the username for your Target database.
liquibase.command.username: toto
# Enter the password for your Target database.
liquibase.command.password: toto
#### Enter the Source Database 'referenceUrl' information ####
## The source database is the baseline or reference against which your target database is compared for diff/diffchangelog commands.
# Enter URL for the source database
#liquibase.command.referenceUrl: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9090/mem:integration
# Enter the username for your source database
#liquibase.command.referenceUsername: dbuser
# Enter the password for your source database
#liquibase.command.referencePassword: letmein
# Logging Configuration
# logLevel controls the amount of logging information generated. If not set, the default logLevel is INFO.
# Valid values, from least amount of logging to most, are:
# If you are having problems, setting the logLevel to DEBUG and re-running the command can be helpful.
# logLevel: DEBUG
# The logFile property controls where logging messages are sent. If this is not set, then logging messages are
# displayed on the console. If this is set, then messages will be sent to a file with the given name.
# logFile: liquibase.log
#### Liquibase Pro Key Information ####
# Learn more, contact support, or get or renew a Pro Key at https://www.liquibase.com/trial
# liquibase.licenseKey:
#### Liquibase Hub Information ####
# Liquibase Hub is a free secure SaaS portal providing status reporting, monitoring & insights
# into your Liquibase database release automation.
# https://hub.liquibase.com
## Add your free Hub API key here
# liquibase.hub.apikey:
# liquibase.hub.mode:all
## Get documentation at docs.liquibase.com ##
## Get certified courses at learn.liquibase.com ##
## Get support at liquibase.com/support ##