#!/usr/bin/python3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from urllib.parse import urlparse import requests, os, logging, re, json from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry class WPimport: # Constructor def __init__(self, name="Thread-0", basic=None, wordpress="", logger=None, parser="html.parser"): self._name = name self._basic = basic self._wordpress = wordpress self._logger = logger self._parser = parser self._headers_json = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept':'application/json'} self._request = requests.Session() retries = Retry(connect=10, read=10, redirect=5, status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504], backoff_factor=2) self._request.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) # Destructor def __del__(self): print("{0} : Import finished for {1}".format(self._name, self._wordpress)) # Public method def setUrl(self, wordpress): self._wordpress = wordpress def fromUrl(self, webpage): for i in range(0, len(webpage)): try: r = self._request.get(webpage[i]) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for get url {1} : {2}".format(self._name, webpage[i], err)) exit(1) if r.status_code == 200: self._logger.info("{0} : ({1}/{2}) : Page is importing : {3}".format(self._name, i+1, len(webpage), webpage[i])) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, self._parser) articlebody = soup.find_all("div", class_="articlebody") if len(articlebody) > 0: self._addOrUpdatePost(soup) else: self._addOrUpdateFeaturedMedia(soup) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for get url {1} with status code : {2}".format(self._name, webpage[i], r.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, r.content)) def fromDirectory(self, directory="", number_thread=1, max_thread=1): directory = "{0}/archives".format(directory) directories = self._getDirectories([], "{0}".format(directory)) if len(directories) > 0: files = self._getFiles(directories) self.fromFile(files, number_thread, max_thread) else: self._logger.error("{0} : No files for {1}".format(self._name, directory)) def fromFile(self, files=[], number_thread=1, max_thread=1): divFiles = int(len(files) / max_thread) currentRangeFiles = int(divFiles * (number_thread+1)) firstRange = int(currentRangeFiles - divFiles) self._logger.debug("{0} : index : {1}".format(self._name,number_thread)) self._logger.debug("{0} : first range : {1}".format(self._name,firstRange)) self._logger.debug("{0} : last range : {1}".format(self._name,currentRangeFiles)) for i in range(firstRange, currentRangeFiles): if os.path.exists(files[i]): self._logger.info("{0} : ({1}/{2}) File is being processed : {3}".format(self._name, i+1, currentRangeFiles + 1, files[i])) with open(files[i], 'r') as f: content = f.read() self._logger.debug("{0} : Size of article : {1}".format(self._name, len(content))) soup = BeautifulSoup(content, self._parser) articlebody = soup.find_all("div", class_="articlebody") self._logger.debug("{0} : Number of article : {1}".format(self._name, len(articlebody))) if len(articlebody) > 0: self._addOrUpdatePost(soup) else: self._addOrUpdateFeaturedMedia(soup) def removeAll(self): params = {"per_page":100} try: self._logger.info("{0} : List posts to remove for url : {1}".format(self._name, self._wordpress)) r = self._request.get("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/posts".format(self._wordpress), auth=self._basic, params=params, headers=self._headers_json) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for list post to remove : {1}".format(self._name, err)) if r.status_code == 200: result = r.json() if len(result) > 0: for i in result: self._logger.info("{0} : Remove article for url {1} : {2}".format(self._name, self._wordpress, i["title"]["rendered"])) params = {"force":1} try: r = self._request.delete("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/{1}".format(self._wordpress, i["id"]), auth=self._basic, headers=self._headers_json , params=params) if r.status_code == 200: self._logger.info("{0} : Post removed for URL {1} : {2}".format(self._name, self._wordpress, i["title"]["rendered"])) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for post {1} with status code {2}".format(self._name, self._wordpress, i["title"]["rendered"])) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for post remove : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) self.removeAll() else: self._logger.error("{0} : Error for list to remove due status code {1}".format(self._name, r.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : Content error : {1}".format(self._name, r.content)) # Private method ## Get all files def _getFiles(self, item): files = [] for i in item: for j in os.listdir(i): if os.path.isfile("{0}/{1}".format(i, j)): files.append("{0}/{1}".format(i, j)) return files ## Get directories def _getDirectories(self, subdirectory, item): sub = subdirectory for i in os.listdir(item): if os.path.isdir("{0}/{1}".format(item, i)): sub.append("{0}/{1}".format(item, i)) subdirectory = self._getDirectories(sub, "{0}/{1}".format(item, i)) return subdirectory ## Add or update featured media def _addOrUpdateFeaturedMedia(self, soup): item_div = soup.find_all("div", {"data-edittype": "post"}) for i in item_div: h2 = i.find_all("h2")[0].text params = {"search":h2, "type":"post"} try: page = self._request.get("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/search".format(self._wordpress), auth=self._basic, params=params) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if page.status_code == 200: result = page.json() if len(result) > 0: if h2 == result[0]["title"]: img = i.find_all("img") if len(img) > 0: img_src = img[0].get("src") try: page = self._request.get(img_src) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for get featured media : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if page.status_code == 200: name_img = img_src.replace("_q", "") name_img = name_img.split("/")[len(name_img.split("/"))-1] params = {"search": name_img} try: page = self._request.get("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/media".format(self._wordpress), auth=self._basic, params=params) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error search featured media : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if page.status_code == 200: res = page.json() if len(res) > 0: id_media = res[0]["id"] data = {"featured_media": id_media} try: r = self._request.post("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/{1}".format(self._wordpress, result[0]["id"]), auth=self._basic, headers=self._headers_json, data=json.dumps(data)) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for post media featured : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if r.status_code == 200: self._logger.info("{0} : Add media featured : {1}".format(self._name, r.json()["title"]["raw"])) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error with status code for featured media : {1}".format(self._name, r.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, r.content)) else: self._logger.info("{0} : No media found for {1}".format(self._name, h2)) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error with status code for search featured media: {1}".format(self._name, page.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, page.content)) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for get featured media with status code : {1}".format(self._name, page.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, page.content)) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error with status code for featured media : {1}".format(self._name, page.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, page.content)) ## Association image to post def _linkImgPost(self, title, list_img, post_id): for i in list_img: data = {"post": post_id} try: r = self._request.post("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/media/{1}".format(self._wordpress, i["id"]), auth=self._basic, data=data) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for link image to post : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if r.status_code == 200: self._logger.info("{0} : Link image to post {1}".format(self._name, title)) else: self._logger.error("{0} Connection error with status code for link image to post : {1}".format(self._name, r.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, r.content)) ## Add or update img def _addOrUpdateMedia(self, href_img, page): media_authorized = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "svg"] media = {"id":"", "rendered":""} split_fileimg = href_img.split("/") img_name = split_fileimg[len(split_fileimg)-1] img_type_file = img_name.split(".")[len(img_name.split("."))-1] is_img = True if img_type_file not in media_authorized: self._logger.error("{0} : Element {1} is not image".format(self._name,img_name)) is_img = False if is_img is True: self._logger.debug("{0} : Search for image {1} with URL {2}".format(self._name, img_name, "http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/media".format(self._wordpress))) params = { "search": img_name} try: r = self._request.get("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/media".format(self._wordpress), auth=self._basic, params=params) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for search media : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) self._logger.debug("{0} : Search for image {1} and his status code {2}".format(self._name, img_name, r.status_code)) if r.status_code == 200: res = r.json() self._logger.debug("{0} : Number of image in search : {1}".format(self._name, len(res))) if len(res) > 0: params = {"force":1} try: r = self._request.delete("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/media/{1}".format(self._wordpress, res[0]["id"]), auth=self._basic, params=params) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} Connection error for delete image : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if r.status_code == 200: self._logger.info("{0} : Image removed {1}".format(self._name, img_name)) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Image {1} not removed due status code : {2}".format(self._name, img_name, r.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, r.content)) data = page.content img_type = "image/{0}".format(img_type_file) if img_type_file == "jpg": img_type = "image/jpeg" headers={ 'Content-Type': img_type,'Content-Disposition' : 'attachment; filename={0}'.format(img_name)} try: r = self._request.post("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/media".format(self._wordpress), auth=self._basic, headers=headers, data=data) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for add image : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if r.status_code == 201: self._logger.info("{0} : Image added {1}".format(self._name, img_name)) res = r.json() media["id"] = res["id"] media["rendered"] = res["guid"]["rendered"] else: self._logger.error("{0} : Image {1}.{2} not added due status code : {3}".format(self._name, img_name, img_type, r.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, r.content)) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for search image with status code : {1}".format(self._name, r.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, r.content)) return media ## Add or update comment def _addOrUpdateComment(self, post, comment, title): for i in comment: try: params = {"post": post, "author_name":i["author"], "date":i["date"]} page = self._request.get("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/comments".format(self._wordpress), auth=self._basic, params=params) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for search comment : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if page.status_code == 200: result = page.json() for j in result: try: params = {"force":1} page = self._request.delete("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/comments/{1}".format(self._wordpress, j["id"]), params=params, auth=self._basic) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for delete comment : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if page.status_code == 200: self._logger.info("{0} : Comment deleted for {1}".format(self._name, title)) self._logger.debug("{0} : Comment deleted : {1}".format(self._name, j)) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Comment not deleted for {1} due status code : {2}".format(self._name, title, page.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, page.content)) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Comment not listed for {1} due status code : {2}".format(self._name, title, page.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, page.content)) for i in comment: data = {"post": post, "content": i["content"], "date": i["date"], "author_name": i["author"], "status": "approved"} if i["parent_id"] != -1: parent_id = int(i["parent_id"]) params = {"post": post, "author_name":comment[parent_id]["author"], "date":comment[parent_id]["date"]} try: page = self._request.get("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/comments".format(self._wordpress), auth=self._basic, params=params) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for parent comment : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if page.status_code == 200: result = page.json() if len(result) > 0: data["parent"]=result[0]["id"] else: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for parent comment with status code : {1}".format(self._name, page.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, page.content)) try: page = self._request.post("http://{0}/wp-json/wp/v2/comments".format(self._wordpress), auth=self._basic, data=data) except Exception as err: self._logger.error("{0} : Connection error for add comment : {1}".format(self._name, err)) exit(1) if page.status_code == 201: self._logger.info("{0} : Comment added for {1}".format(self._name, title)) self._logger.debug("{0} : Data : {1}".format(self._name, data)) else: self._logger.error("{0} : Comment not added for {1} due status code : {2}".format(self._name, title, page.status_code)) self._logger.debug("{0} : {1}".format(self._name, page.content)) ## Check class name def _hasClassName(self, tag, className): for i in tag["class"]: if i == className: return True return False ## Get class name def _getClassName(self, tag, className): for i in tag["class"]: if re.match(className, i): return i return "" ## Get all comments def _getComment(self, comment): comment_post = [] for i in range(0, len(comment)): comment_div = comment[i].find("div", class_="comment_item") comment_item = comment_div.text.split("\n") footer = comment_div.find_all("div", class_="itemfooter") comment_author = footer[0].text.split(",")[0].replace("Posté par ", "") comment_date = footer[0].find_all("abbr")[0].get("title") comment_content = "
for j in range(0, len(comment_item)-2):
if len(comment_item[j]) > 0:
comment_content = comment_content + comment_item[j] + "
comment_content = comment_content + "
for i in body:
if len(i.text) == 1:
bodyhtml = bodyhtml + "
bodyhtml = bodyhtml + str(i).replace("
", "").replace("
", "").replace("